Fish Fillets Solution Archive

This is my collection of solution files for all levels of Fish Fillets. (Note that this collection does not include solutions for the levels introducted in recent versions of Fish Fillets NG.)

Please note that this collection shows the shortest solution available for each level. This is not always the "best" solution from an aesthetic or explanatory viewpoint. In particular, if you just need help solving a level, try consulting the Fish Fillets Walkthrough first.

The "Best known" and "Reported by" columns in the table below show the number of moves in the best known solution and who first claimed it, as provided by the Hall of Fame page (last updated 2025/01/03).

Level Name Codename Best known Reported by Solution Recorded by File
01 How It All Started start 54 Pavel Danihelka 54 Brian Raiter start.lua
02 Briefcase Message briefcase 225 Pavel Danihelka 225 Brian Raiter briefcase.lua
03 Rehearsal in Cellar cellar 375 Pavel Danihelka 375 Brian Raiter cellar.lua
04 Library Flotsam library 111 Pavel Danihelka 111 Brian Raiter library.lua
05 Plants on the Stairs stairs 163 Pavel Danihelka 163 Brian Raiter stairs.lua
06 A Mess in the Boiler Room broom 193 Ivo Danihelka 193 Brian Raiter broom.lua
07 Under the Reef reef 169 Pavel Danihelka 169 Brian Raiter reef.lua
08 Closed in the Closet wc 100 Pavel Danihelka 100 Brian Raiter wc.lua
09 Drowned Submarine submarine 83 Pavel Danihelka 83 Brian Raiter submarine.lua
10 Picnic Boat party1 236 Mark Byers 236 Brian Raiter party1.lua
11 Great War elk 257 Pavel Danihelka 257 Brian Raiter elk.lua
12 The Ship of Captain Silver wreck 91 Hynek Vychodil 91 Brian Raiter wreck.lua
13 The Last Voyage viking1 119 Pavel Danihelka 119 Brian Raiter viking1.lua
14 Altitude: Minus 9000 Feet airplane 235 Johannes Drescher 235 Amic Frouvelle airplane.lua
15 Bathyscaph bathyscaph 82 Pavel Danihelka 82 Brian Raiter bathyscaph.lua
16 Amphibious Tank tank 402 Josef Peterka 402 Mark Byers tank.lua
17 Eight Vikings in a Boat viking2 341 Uoti Urpala 341 Amic Frouvelle viking2.lua
18 Return from the Party party2 283 Gabor Braun 283 Brian Raiter party2.lua
19 The Gods Must Be Mad gods 533 Félix Marcotte-Gagnon 533 Félix Marcotte-Gagnon gods.lua
20 House with an Elevator elevator1 200 Pavel Danihelka 200 Brian Raiter elevator1.lua
21 Welcome To Our City city 481 Gabor Braun 485 Amic Frouvelle city.lua
22 Independence Day ufo 283 Gabor Braun 283 Amic Frouvelle ufo.lua
23 The Columns columns 283 Josef Peterka 283 Brian Raiter columns.lua
24 Uneven Pavement pavement 500 Erik Hajduk 512 David Glass pavement.lua
25 Mr. Cheops’ House pyramid 246 Johan Rönnblom 246 Amic Frouvelle pyramid.lua
26 A Bit of Music music 393 Josef Peterka 393 Brian Raiter music.lua
27 Crab Freak Show crabshow 340 Gabor Braun 340 Félix Marcotte-Gagnon crabshow.lua
28 Another elevator elevator2 455 Gabor Braun 455 Amic Frouvelle elevator2.lua
29 And How It Was atlantis 531 Uoti Urpala 572 Zmiter Nikitin atlantis.lua
30 First Bizarre Things corals 248 Ulrich Schmid 252 David Glass corals.lua
31 Labyrinth labyrinth 278 Mark Byers 278 Mark Byers labyrinth.lua
32 Imprisoned imprisoned 275 Josef Peterka 275 Brian Raiter imprisoned.lua
33 Closed Society society 110 Radovan Málek 110 David Glass society.lua
34 Sleeping Creatures creatures 447 Josef Peterka 447 Brian Raiter creatures.lua
35 Cancan Crabs cancan 578 Mark Byers 578 Mark Byers cancan.lua
36 One More Pearl; Please! pearls 475 Erik Hajduk 475 David Glass pearls.lua
37 Telepathic Devil turtle 620 Zmiter Nikitin 620 Zmiter Nikitin turtle.lua
38 The Deep Server computer 156 Josef Peterka 156 Brian Raiter computer.lua
39 Almost No Wall noground 44 Heiko Luettges 44 Brian Raiter noground.lua
40 Plumbman’s Refuse bathroom 90 Josef Peterka 90 Brian Raiter bathroom.lua
41 Adventure with Pink Duckie duckie 98 Ronny Standtke 98 Brian Raiter duckie.lua
42 Shredded Stickman puzzle 142 Fern Lopesbr 142 David Glass puzzle.lua
43 Real Chaos dump 426 Josef Peterka 426 David Glass dump.lua
44 Outraged Greenpeace barrel 1229 Zmiter Nikitin 1237 Zmiter Nikitin barrel.lua
45 The First Mate’s Cabin cabin1 168 Pavel Danihelka 168 Brian Raiter cabin1.lua
46 The Winter Mess Hall snowman 66 Pavel Danihelka 66 Brian Raiter snowman.lua
47 Fire! cannons 39 Pavel Danihelka 39 Brian Raiter cannons.lua
48 Ship Kitchen kitchen 564 Josef Peterka 564 Brian Raiter kitchen.lua
49 Second Mate`s Cabin cabin2 383 David Glass 383 Brian Raiter cabin2.lua
50 Captain`s Cabin captain 417 Erik Hajduk 417 David Glass captain.lua
51 Silver’s Hideout map 1541 Gabor Braun 2245 Zmiter Nikitin map.lua
52 Power Plant reactor 163 Pavel Danihelka 163 Brian Raiter reactor.lua
53 Strange Forces magnet 408 Josef Peterka 408 Brian Raiter magnet.lua
54 Brm... Brm... engine 256 Gabor Braun 256 Brian Raiter engine.lua
55 Nothing but steel steel 185 Josef Peterka 185 Brian Raiter steel.lua
56 Guarded Corridor corridor 523 Amic Frouvelle 523 Amic Frouvelle corridor.lua
57 Biological Experiments experiments 706 Zmiter Nikitin 706 Zmiter Nikitin experiments.lua
58 The Real Propulsion propulsion 1964 Zmiter Nikitin 1964 Zmiter Nikitin propulsion.lua
59 Aztec Art Hall aztec 376 Mark Byers 376 Brian Raiter aztec.lua
60 Shiny Cave-in gems 59 Mark Byers 59 Brian Raiter gems.lua
61 Giant’s Chest chest 271 Zmiter Nikitin 271 Zmiter Nikitin chest.lua
62 The Hall of Ali-baba alibaba 459 Gabor Braun 459 Amic Frouvelle alibaba.lua
63 The Deepest Cave cave 186 Josef Peterka 186 Brian Raiter cave.lua
64 What Would King Arthur Say? grail 1681 Zmiter Nikitin 1691 Zmiter Nikitin grail.lua
65 TETRIS tetris 134 Gabor Braun 134 Brian Raiter tetris.lua
66 Emulator emulator 620 Gabor Braun 620 Zmiter Nikitin emulator.lua
67 Garden of War warcraft 573 Josef Peterka 573 Brian Raiter warcraft.lua
68 Favorites windoze 525 Zmiter Nikitin 525 Zmiter Nikitin windoze.lua
69 A Hardware Problem hardware 629 Zmiter Nikitin 629 Zmiter Nikitin hardware.lua
70 Read Only floppy 890 Aleš Zimmermann 950 Zmiter Nikitin floppy.lua

As can be seen, there are still a number of levels for which I do not have the best known solution. If you have a solution for a level that is better than the one presented above, please consider sending it to me at breadbox [whirlpool] muppetlabs [spot] com, and allowing me to publish it here.

Brian Raiter